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Pipilotti Rist .|. à la belle étoile .|. 2007

2009-07-05 14 0 Vimeo

Pipilotti Rist's "A la belle etoile" (to the beautiful star). Sound: Pipilotti Rist's "Homo Sapiens Sapiens." Rist's art was one of many rotating pieces that was shown between May 27 2009 and February 21 2011 when "the Centre Pompidou's collections [were] entirely given over to women artists from the 20th century to the present day." This piece was projected on to the entry space out in front the Pompidou the last time it was shown in Paris. This time the 'screen' was on the floor. A lovely sign read "Please Walk on the Art." When you walked onto it you were swallowed by huge mouths... dragged across sunsets... dropped into the middle of the universe... walking on it produced a wonderous vertigo, a childlike joy and giddiness, a new perspective on space...it was beautiful... Her work is part of the exhibition elles@centrepompidou, in which "the Centre Pompidou's collections will be entirely given over to the women artists from the 20th century to the present day."